The Puppy Ensemble Groups:
1. Puppy Group No. 1.
Pongo and Perdita’s Puppies with Lines.
(Penny, Pepper, Patch, Lucky)
Four Roles. Male or female. Any age. (Minimum age is 8 yrs.)
Strong movement and expression abilities.
Vocal Requirements: Strong, non-solo singing.
2. Puppy Group No. 2.
Pongo and Perdita’s Puppies without Lines.
Approximately 11 Roles. Male or female. Any age. (Minimum age is 8 yrs.)
Strong movement and expression abilities. These puppies participate in the
entire show.
Vocal Requirements: Strong, non-solo singing.
3. Puppy Group No. 3.
The Rescued Puppies. (The Extra Puppies)
83 Roles. Male or female. Any age. (Minimum age is 8 yrs.)
(“Run on roles” at the end of the show.)
These are the puppies rescued at the end of the show. The rescued puppies sing and dance in the last song and finale. (Two of the rescued puppies, Spot and Dot have one line each).
Vocal Requirements: Non-solo, ensemble singing.